Weekly In-School Rock and Pop Band Lessons
Our in-school rock and pop band lessons provide an amazing confidence boosting experience for children.

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Weekly In-School Rock and Pop Band Lessons
Our in-school rock and pop band lessons provide an amazing confidence boosting experience for children.

Great News!
I agree that my child's lessons and performance may be recorded and shared with the school and the parents of other students in their band (see privacy policy).
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Finalise Your Booking
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Do you have any other instrument preferences? (Select multiple)
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Your Booking Overview
Student Info
School name:
Year Group:
Student first name:
Student last name:
Medical info:
Medical info description:
Filming consent:
Primary instrument:
Band Space info*
Monthly payment:
Start date:
First payment date:
First payment amount:
First payment covers:
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Weekly In-School Rock and Pop Band Lessons
Our in-school rock and pop band lessons provide an amazing confidence boosting experience for children.